The only way to expand your town in Dinkum is to get more residents.
They help you grow and build your camp into a bigger town.
But attracting residents to live in your town is not an easy task. Each person has different needs and interests. You need to deal with them carefully. The easiest way to get them to become residents is to friend them first.
In this post, I will show you how to get more residents in Dinkum, step by step.
Step 1- Talk With Them
When a new resident comes to the visitor’s site, you will be notified of it at the beginning of the day. There are 11 residents that will come to your town. The first one is John, the merchant.
Once John came to the area, he will give you the visitor’s tent. If you want to get more residents, you need to set up the visitor’s site or tent. After that, you can acquire the visiting site deed from Fletch.
When you convince visitors to live in the town by doing their favors, they will decide to settle in your town.
Related: Dinkum: 5 Best Locations To Setup Your Base Tent
Step 2- Fulfill Their Needs
When you talk with people, you can ask for a job. For example, When you ask Franklin about a job, he will tell you that it is very boring to wear the same clothes. So he will ask if there is any chance for you to give him new clothes.
Some other NPCs will ask you to catch bugs or fish, to give them some foraging items, and something to eat. Also, they will provide you with all the details about how to get their needs.
When you accept it, you will have only one day to fulfill it. Give the residents what they need. Sometimes they will pay you back or give you something.
If you can not fulfill their needs within the day, it will affect your heart meter.
Keep in mind, you have only one day to fulfill their needs.
Step 3- Buy Something From Them
Another way to attract residents is to buy something from them.
For Example, Rayne is the one who can sell agricultural things such as seeds, hoes, etc. When she visits the site, you can buy seeds and any other things from her.
This will also help you to fill the heart meter.
Related: Dinkum Guide: 9 Best Ways To Make Money Fast
Step 4- Fill The Heart Meter
When you fulfill the needs of the residents, the heart meter will be filled. You can check the heart meter by clicking on Esc >Pedia>People.
Every time you finished a task given by a visitor, a quarter of the heart meter will be filled.
Keep in mind, some NPCs have their own choices, like favorite foods. If you give them the wrong food, they will reject it and your heart meter will not fill.
Step 5- Get The Deeds
Once you become friends with residents, the heart meter will be filled. After that, you can ask them to move in. This will give you access to deeds.
For example, when you friend Theodore, he will agree to settle in the town. Then, You need to get the museum deed from Fletch.
When you get a deed, it will make town debts. You are the only one who should settle it. For example, Once you take a museum deed, the town debt will be 125,000 Dinks. After that, you will receive the deed.
Then select a proper place for the museum and place it. There is a box outside the construction site. You need to fill it with the required construction materials to start the construction.
Once you have placed all the items, within two days, the building will be made and the resident will be permanently settled in the town.
In Conclusion,
Attracting residents to your town is not easy. But if you can follow this guide, you will get more residents. Don’t try to rush it, enjoy the game while you’re at it.