Are you getting ready to WooHoo? Then make sure to follow these tips to have the child that you want in Sims 4.
In Sims 4, the gender of the baby or babies is totally random. But you can do simple things to get a baby with the gender that you want.
In this post, I will show you some important tips for having a girl, boy, or twins in Sims 4.
How To Make Babies (WooHoo)
Once you find a partner and start a romantic relationship, you can WooHoo in Sims 4.
If you have a bed, you can right-click on it and it will show you “Try for a baby with your partner”. After that, your sims will WooHoo and make babies.
However, female teens can only mess around, but they can not make babies.
Only female young adults and above can make babies in Sims 4.
Also, your sims do not need to get married to make babies. If they increase their romantic relationship, eventually, they can make babies without getting married.
After making babies, your female sims can take a pregnancy test by clicking on the toilet. If she is pregnant you will have a notification as “Eating for two”. However, if she is not pregnant, you will also receive a notification as “maybe next time”.
How To Have A Girl
As I mentioned earlier, the gender of the baby is random. However, you can do some tricks to increase the chances of having a girl. Remember, these tricks are not 100% guaranteed, but you can increase the chances.
To have a baby girl, your pregnant female sim wants to eat strawberries. Strawberries can easily find in the neighborhood of willow creek. Your sims can harvest them and eat them.
Secondly, your female sim should listen to pop music to have a baby girl. To listen to pop music, you can buy a stereo. You can click on the live mode and search for stereo to purchase it. Then you can click on the stereo and select listen>pop.
How To Have A Boy
To have a boy, your female sim needs to listen to alternate music during pregnancy, as I mentioned earlier.
Secondly, if your mom-to-be sim eats carrots, she has a chance for having a baby boy. Carrots can easily find in neighborhoods in Oasis Springs.
How To Have Twins
Having twins or triplets is very rare, but you can.
The chances of having twins in the base game are 10% and having triplets is 1%.
However, you can do a small trick to increase the chances of having twins and triplets.
First, you need to click the aspiration icon and select the reward store. There is a fertile portion for 3000 satisfaction points. This portion can increase the chances of having twins and triplets.
To get the satisfaction points, you need to satisfy the needs of your sim. Satisfaction points are given when you complete the needs and wants and complete milestones of your sim’s aspirations.
What If Your Sims Do Not Want To Make Babies
If your sims do not want to make babies, that is completely OK. There are a few other ways to make your sims parents.
The first method is to have a science baby. You can have a science baby as a single parent.
Also, you can have a science baby with anyone else. You do not need to have a romance or have WooHoo with anyone to have a science baby with them, only friendship is necessary. You can ask anyone who has a friendship to have a science baby, in a small conversation.
To have a science baby, you should click on the home tab on the mobile phone and then you can select Having a science baby for 1200$.
However, the gender of the baby is random.
Secondly, you can adopt a newborn, infant, toddler, or child for 1000$. You can select a boy or a girl when you adopt one.
To adopt a child, you can go to the mobile, select “call adoption center” and select adopt a child.
In Conclusion
As you can see, having a girl, boy, or twins in Sims 4 is a bit easy. With these tricks, you can increase the chances of having the baby you want. And remember, it doesn’t really matter what gender you get, always appreciate your babies.